☑0003 Next 10 records were fetched from the database.

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CountryCityCity IdCountry IdLast Update
IndiaKanchrapara261442006-02-15 04:45:25
United StatesKansas City2621032006-02-15 04:45:25
IndiaKarnal263442006-02-15 04:45:25
IndiaKatihar264442006-02-15 04:45:25
IranKermanshah265462006-02-15 04:45:25
TurkeyKilis266972006-02-15 04:45:25
South AfricaKimberley267852006-02-15 04:45:25
South KoreaKimchon268862006-02-15 04:45:25
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesKingstown269812006-02-15 04:45:25
Russian FederationKirovo-Tepetsk270802006-02-15 04:45:25
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