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CountryCityCity IdCountry IdLast Update
BrazilSanto Andr461152006-02-15 04:45:25
ChinaSanya462232006-02-15 04:45:25
JapanSasebo463502006-02-15 04:45:25
IndiaSatna464442006-02-15 04:45:25
EgyptSawhaj465292006-02-15 04:45:25
Russian FederationSerpuhov466802006-02-15 04:45:25
IranShahr-e Kord467462006-02-15 04:45:25
ChinaShanwei468232006-02-15 04:45:25
ChinaShaoguan469232006-02-15 04:45:25
United Arab EmiratesSharja4701012006-02-15 04:45:25
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